Wednesday, July 10, 2013


BRASS        BaRZeL       Bet-Resh-Zayin-Lamed
bar-SZ(EL)________ ברזל____________[BRZ(L)]
ROOTS: Old English braes (brass) is from the same "obscure source" (to quote the Amer. Heritage Dict.) as the Latin noun and Indo-European  “root” ferrum (iron).

In (Genesis 4:22תובל קין  Tubal-cain ushers in the Bronze Age (which preceded the Iron Age). Abraham’s Hebrew clan merely dates back to the Late Bronze Age, compounding the confounding of scholars who do want want to see a Pre-Hebrew, prehistoric Edenic of the Modern Human homeland.

The Hebrew term  ברזל BaRZeL is translated "iron," but BRASS or BRONZE (nasalized with an extra N) is more appropriate –  see  “BRONZE.”
There is also Post-Biblical Hebrew פליז PiLeeYZ (brass), Aramaic  פליזא PiLeeYZAh (brass) and Arabic filazz (a non-precious metal). Standard bilabial, liquid and fricative shifts are needed to get back to BRASS.

BRANCHES: A Biblical variant is  PaRZeL or FaRSeL (iron in Chaldean, and the key to Latin words like ferreus (of iron), and FERR-, FERRI  and  FERRO- words.  FERREOUS, containing iron, comes from Latin ferreus. It is traced to Latin ferrum, iron, but ironically this adjective may preserve an older FRS word, closer to its ultimate Edenic origin: ברזל   BaRZeL . 

The L may have dropped out before the Iron Age.  The Latin suffix um- can be dismissed, as seen in the “iron” words of French (fer ), Rumanian (fier), Italian and Portuguese (ferro). In seven dialects of  Malay/Indonesian  the word for “iron” is besi,  reinforcing the concept that the oldest “iron” term had a B and an S. The R may have dropped out.


Basque  burdina ( iron) is from   ברזל  BaRZeL  (iron).    (More D from Zayin/Z shifts, normal for how Aramaic was spun off of Edenic,  at “AUSCULTATE.”)     
Do any languages retain an echo of the Zayin-Lamed end of the Edenic  ברזל  BaRZeL?  There is Polish iron, zelazo, and iron in Czech and Serbo-Croatian: zelazo.  Dutch iron, ijzer, may display a liquid shift (L à R) of an ancient Zayin-Lamed.      In Turkish  pirinc (peerench) brass  <  N  ברזל  BaRZeL, iron.

BRASIL has the world's richest iron deposits. Speculation has attributed the name to Pre-Columbian Phoenician traders (the acceptable academic euphemism for  Semitic speakers …  who knew the sound and worth of  ברזל BaRZeL).

Perhaps COPPER can be linked to  עפרת  GHoPHeReT  (usually translated "lead").  NIK[H]oaSHeT, the "brass" of Genesis 4:22, may link up to NICKEL.  Turkish gümüs  (silver)  <   M213 S-G S-N   נחשת  Ni[K]HoaSHe(S), copper, brass.

Tubal-Cain ( above), who is celebrated as founding the foundries of metallurgy,  is the obvious source of the Roman god VULCAN.  It is more obvious when the name is read in Hebrew:  (Too)-BHahL-KaYiN, with the first syllable dropping.  This (V)ahL-KaYiN gave English VOLCANO, VULCANIZED rubber, etc.  See “VOLCANO.”
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